Skræddersyede kurser til
hele Grønlands erhvervsliv.

Fagområde 1


  1. Disrupt eller dø!, Tune Hein og Thomas Honoré, 2016, hele bogen (180 sider).


  1. Tech breakthroughs megatrend“,


  1. Tune Hein, Video 1 af 7
  2. Tune Hein, Video 2 af 7
  3. Tune Hein, Video 3 af 7
  4. Tune Hein, Video 4 af 7
  5. Tune Hein, Video 5 af 7
  6. Tune Hein, Video 6 af 7
  7. Tune Hein, Video 7 af 7

Fagområde 2


  1. The Corporate Startup – how established companies can develop successful innovation ecosystems, Tendayi Viki, Dan Toma og Esther Gons, hele bogen (300 sider).


  1. Dual Transformation“, Scott D. Anthony, Clark G. Gilbert og Mark W. Johnson


  1. Accelerate! The Evolution of the 21st Century Organization, Dr. John Kotter
  2. Exponential Organizations: The New Breed of Business, Salim Ismail

Fagområde 3


  1. Den nye deleøkonomi – digitale strategier i adgangssamfundet, Jesper Bove-Nielsen, hele bogen (300 sider).


  1. Paul Baran“, History of Computers and Computing
  2. Evolving Terminology with Evolved Technology: Decentralized versus Distributed“, Maidsafe Blog
  3. The Sharing Technology: Understanding the Opportunities for Growth“, Mastercard


  1. How the Blockchain Will Radically Transform the Economy, Bettina Warburg (TED talk)
  2. Blockchain and the Middlemen, (TED talk)

Fagområde 4


  1. From Holy Grail to Structured Fail, Tim Vang, hele bogen (156 sider).


  1. Success = Experimentation“, af Peter Diamandis
  2. Creating an innovation culture“, af Dr. Waguih Ishak


  1. Masters of Scale” with Mark Zuckerberg: “Imperfect is Perfect“, af Reid Hoffman – Episode 4 (29:15 minutter). Læs transcript af podcast.

Fagområde 5


  1. Thank You for Being Later – An optimist’s guide to thriving in the age of acceleration, af Thomas L. Friedman, kapitel 1-5 og 7-8.


  1. Leading In A Digital World“, af Mervyn Eyre, Feb 14, 2017
  2. 8 Principles for Leaders to Make the Most of the Exponential Age“, af Peter Diamandis, Mar 3, 2017
  3. Four Leadership Principles for the Fourth Industrial Revolution“, af Klaus Schwab, Okt 11, 2016
  4. Can Innovation Thinking Be Learned?“, af Erica Swallow, Apr 19, 2012
  5. How to Make an Exponential Business to 10X Growth“, af Lisa Kay Solomon og Patrick van der Pijl, Apr 3, 2017


  1. Why good leaders make you feel safe, af Simon Sinek (TED talk, 12 min)
  2. How art, technology, and design inform creative leaders, af John Made (TED talk, 16 min)

Fagområde 6

Uddrag af “Gurubogen” redigeret af Jonathan Løw

  1. Hele afsnittet “Innovation”, side 226-313
  2. “Entrepreneurship fra vugge til grav”, af Jørgen Madsen Clausen, Gurubogenside 144
  3. “Lyt, handl, gentag”, af Craig Newmark, Gurubogenside 124
  4. “Fuck ikke kulturen op”, af Brian Ceshky, Gurubogenside 168
  5. “Work is love made visible”, Pascal Finette, Gurubogenside 192
  6. “For at forme økonomien skal man tænke som en skaber og ikke som en ejer”, af César A. Hidalgo, Gurubogenside 198
  7. “Corporate Entrepreneurship”, af Patrizia Venturelli Christensen, Gurubogenside 214


  1. Seing Invisible Solutions to Impossible Problems, af Daniel Burrus (TED talk, 18 min)
  2. Five Principles for Building Innovation Ecosystems, af Tendayi Viki (21 min)
  3. The Innovator’s DNA, af Nathan Furr (35 min)


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